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Revolutionize Your Physique with NeoMed Spa's Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

Book Your First Session Today – Special Offer for New Clients!

In the search for aesthetic enhancement, many find traditional methods like diet and exercise insufficient. While plastic surgery is an option for some, many are now seeking gentler, non-invasive alternatives. This is where NeoMed steps in, presenting the latest in non-surgical body contouring solutions to meet these needs effectively.

Break free from the limitations of traditional methods and discover a world of possibilities with our non-invasive body sculpting.

Our Custom Sculpting Solutions

Revitalize Your Skin with Evolve Tite: At NeoMed Spa, we utilize Tite, a radiofrequency procedure, to effectively combat sagging skin and enhance its elasticity. This treatment reinvigorates your skin's natural firmness and tightness by stimulating collagen production, resulting in a noticeably rejuvenated appearance.

Sculpt Your Figure with Evolve Trim: Evolve Trim at NeoMed Spa is expertly designed to tackle stubborn fat. By employing radiofrequency energy, it generates a heat effect under the skin, targeting the fat layers. This process not only reduces fat but also reshapes your body contours, revealing a more refined and slender silhouette.

Smooth Your Skin with Evolve Trim Cellulite Treatment: Understanding the challenge of cellulite, our Evolve Trim treatment specifically addresses these concerns. It targets the connective tissue bands and fat deposits that cause skin dimpling. The result is smoother, younger-looking skin with a firmer texture, enhancing your confidence.

Enhance Muscle Definition with Evolve Tone: Tone leverages electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to fortify muscles that are difficult to tone through traditional exercises. This unique treatment aids in defining your muscles, offering an edge that other cosmetic solutions can’t provide.

The Process and Versatility of Non-Surgical Body Sculpting

Target Areas for Comprehensive Body Contouring: Our EvolveX treatments at NeoMed Spa are adept at enhancing various body areas, each tailored to meet your specific aesthetic goals:

  • Refine Your Abdomen: Both Evolve Tite and Evolve Trim are highly effective in tightening skin, reducing fat, and smoothing cellulite in the abdominal area, while Tone focuses on strengthening the underlying muscles.
  • Sculpt Your Arms: Experience a firmer, more toned appearance in your arms with our targeted Tite and Trim treatments.
  • Transform Your Thighs: These areas can be beautifully contoured with Evolve Tite and Trim, achieving a smoother, more streamlined look.

For muscle enhancement:

  • Tone Your Abdomen: Tone specifically works to strengthen and define abdominal muscles.
  • Firm Your Buttocks: This area benefits greatly from the muscle-toning capabilities of Evolve Tone.

Many of our clients opt for a combination of Tite, Trim, and Tone for a holistic transformation. The flexibility of the EvolveX system allows for multiple areas to be treated simultaneously, ensuring a comprehensive and time-efficient body sculpting experience.

What Happens During the Treatment?

When you come in for your Evolve body sculpting session at NeoMed Spa, we start by placing a special gel strip on the area you want to treat. Over this, we put a special belt. This belt has small parts in it that use radio waves or a kind of energy treatment to work on your body.

We make sure everything is snug and in place. You'll also get a special button that lets you control how strong the treatment feels. Once everything is set up, we turn on the EvolveX machine. It works on making your skin tighter, reducing fat, smoothing out cellulite, or toning your muscles.

In the beginning, you might feel a little uncomfortable, but this usually goes away quickly. The Evolve treatment is very precise and safer than many other similar treatments because it reduces the chance of mistakes.

Understanding Results and Recovery from Non-Surgical Body Contouring

What to Expect After Your Evolve Treatment?

The beauty of choosing Evolve body sculpting at NeoMed Spa is that it's completely non-invasive. This means there's no need to worry about taking time off for recovery. Right after your treatment, you can go back to your usual activities without any delay.

While it's normal to feel slightly sore in the area we treated, this is usually very mild and shouldn't stop you from doing your everyday things. Typically, this feeling only lasts a day or two.

Understanding the Side Effects of Evolve Body Sculpting

What to Expect After Your Treatment: It's important to know about the side effects that might happen after your body sculpting session. While these side effects don't happen often, it's good to be aware:

  • Dry Skin: Sometimes, the treated area might feel a bit dry.
  • Sensitive Skin: Your skin may be more sensitive than usual.
  • Skin Redness: You might notice some redness on the treated area.
  • Swelling: There could be a bit of swelling.
  • Skin Discoloration: In some cases, the skin color might change a little.
  • Minor Skin Damage: Rarely, there could be small blisters or minor burns.

Don't worry too much, though. These side effects are not common, and most of them can be taken care of at home with simple remedies you can get at the store. Plus, they usually go away on their own after a little while.

When to Expect Results from Your Evolve Body Sculpting

Many clients at NeoMed Spa start seeing the benefits of their Evolve body sculpting treatments within two to six weeks. The specific results vary based on the treatments you've chosen. You might notice your skin becoming tighter, a decrease in cellulite and fat, or more defined muscles.

Every individual's body reacts differently, so these time frames may vary. Rest assured, the changes you're looking forward to are on their way!

Schedule A Consultation

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What Happens in a Consultation?

.01    Get To Know The NeoMed Team

.02    Help us understand you and your goals

.03    Learn about our services and specialties

.04    Become a part of the NeoMed family

“Deserves 10 Stars! From facials to peels to IV’s to Botox and more, NeoMed clearly is a winner…”

    –Diane Rush

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